Thank you to everyone who participated and especially to those who organized events this season! We had 43 events with 234 players and a whopping 998 games played! This was our biggest most successful season yet and we look forward to even more faux in the 2023-24 season.
What happens next
We will be sending out invitations to everyone who earned one of the coveted 32 spots for Masters this year. But don’t fret if you didn’t make it, if anyone is unable to attend, we will be running through the alternates and wild card rankings.
Masters will take place August 31 – Sept 1 at the NOVA Open convention in Washington DC. Go ahead and grab your convention badge since everyone will need that to attend the Masters Invitational. While you’re there, grab a NOVA Open Malifaux GT ticket as well, since that will be one of the first large events of the next season!
Masters Rules
As Wyrd has just announced an upcoming Errata document, that document will govern the 2023 Masters event. Additionally this year will use the Gaining Grounds 3 schemes and strategies (to be announced soon). Only models available in the app as of June 30 are eligible for play in the 2023 Masters tournament. (New Gencon models will be legal in the GT if they are in the app).
Masters Slots for 2023
Congratulations to everyone who earned a spot. We will be contacting you shortly to confirm your attendance:
Masters Spots