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Arrrr me hearties! Welcome to Booty and Plunder, hosted by Boring Conversation and CaptainCon! Sharpen your cutlass and be sure your powder is dry, it’s time to flip some cards and find your fortune on the other side of The Breach. May the Fates be with ye!
Booty and Plunder Will be a 5 round, 50ss Gaining Grounds 2 tournament. Rounds 1-3 will take place Satuday, 2/4/23. Rounds 4-5 will follow on Sunday.
No game variants will be used. Rounds will last for 2:30 each which includes all set up and crew building. There is no painting or basing requirement to play.
Longshanks will be used for event pairings and final standings using standard GG3 scoring + Strength of Schedule as an additional tiebreaker. Please register for the event here: